Cambridge Dictionary defines “Politically Correct” as “Someone who is
politically correct believes that language and actions that could be offensive
to others, especially those relating to sex and race, should be avoided.” Lessons
are given to diplomats, sports person and corporate managers on how to speak,
behave and act when they go to another country so as not to offend their hosts.
By way of example, criminals are called “unsavoury characters” while “Clumsy” is
referred to as “uniquely coordinated”!
question that is now being asked in various quarters is whether what is politically
correct for one group of people is necessarily correct for another?
Paul Krugman wrote
that "the big threat to our discourse is right-wing political correctness,
which – unlike the liberal version – has lots of power and money behind it. And
the goal is very much the kind of thing Orwell tried to convey with his notion
of Newspeak: to make it impossible to talk, and possibly even think, about
ideas that challenge the established order."
Trump is redefining the ways he will engage with world leaders and influential
people much to the chagrin of so many politicians, journalists, commentators
and those who did not vote for him. His tweet on his forthcoming meeting with
the President of Mexico “If Mexico is unwilling
to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the
upcoming meeting” must have sent shock waves in the diplomatic establishment of
USA who are probably used to working through the labyrinthian corridors of
diplomacy to set up meetings and where a cancellation of a meeting is deemed to
be a diplomatic slap in the face. Why Trump chose to speak to Prime Minister
Modi before he spoke to the “more important” leaders of Russia, China, Japan
and other European Nations is another example of how he is his own man who will
govern the way he chooses to. On the other hand, crude cartoons and statues,
insulting posters at rallies and abusive comments against the democratically
elected President are telecast over major media channels without for once
thinking whether these are politically correct!
President Rodrigo Duterte
of the Philippines unabashedly used very flowery undiplomatic words on
President Obama and has not shied away from stating his scorn on drug abusers
and proudly claiming how he killed people or how he stated “he should have been
first” when asked a question on rape. The Philippine law makers shrug off his
comments and simply say “Get used to this language”.
Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of the Union Territory of Delhi in India, does not
bat an eyelid before he hurls abuses at the democratically elected prime
minister of the country or the election commission. He is cheered on by the
liberal and intellectual media who would accept such statements from him but
not from other political parties. Comments are made by political leaders across
parties about religion, economically weaker sections of society and women which
are normally frowned upon by most people. Yet no action is taken or is it that
no action can be taken given that there will always be a constituency to whom
such comments will appeal.
Are these leaders and
so many like them around the World saying things that the people want to say themselves
but are afraid to for fear of castigation?
too long the political and media elite have defined the way we should speak and
be spoken to. How long will this small group of powerful individuals influence
the way we speak and behave. There are no longer any holy cows in dialogue and
communication. The mobile phone has changed the way we spell and the social
media is changing the way we express ourselves.
social media empowering the masses, trolling, which hitherto was seen as
politically incorrect (exceptions were always made for a few super start
journalists), the new age political leaders have understood the importance of
“talking” directly to their voters through Twitter and Facebook and there is
nothing anyone can do about this.
President Lyndon B.
Johnson in 1964 said “I’m here to tell you that we are going to do those things
which need to be done, not because they are politically correct, but because
they are right.”
So is the age of
being “Politically Correct” over?
Does our right of
“Freedom of Speech” conflict with the very definition of political correctness?
Should we now be looking at whether the content of the speech is truthful and
correct rather than analyse each word spoken for whether it offends some
people? Should we fall prey to moral policing of our acts and communication simply
because it happens to offend a few people?
If there is an
elephant in the room, should we not feel comfortable in talking about it?
Should we really suppress our concerns, dreams, worries, feelings, fears,
aspirations, hopes and anxieties? Should we stop asking questions about another
culture simply because we “may” offend someone?
We are witnessing a paradigm
change in the manner in which we will hear our leaders speak in the future. We
are seeing a new normal being defined in speech and communication. Let us judge
these comments based on the content and not based on who has spoken these and
how these comments were delivered.
The author is the founder Chairman of
Guardian Pharmacies and the author of 5 best-selling books, Reboot. Reinvent.
Rewire: Managing Retirement in the 21st Century; The Corner Office; An Eye for
an Eye; The Buck Stops Here - Learnings of a #Startup Entrepreneur and The Buck
Stops Here – My Journey from a Manager to an Entrepreneur.
Twitter: @gargashutosh
Instagram: ashutoshgarg56
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